Friday, October 26, 2012

I Lost The Dog!

I was outside raking leaves...looked around...and couldn't find the Morkie!
Oh--there he is!  Buried in the leaves watching me!

Friday, October 19, 2012

"Stop, Look, and Listen...

 ...before you cross the street, use your eyes, use your ears, and then use your feet."    Remember this little rhyme we recited in kindergarten?  Can we teach this to deer?  I had just pulled out of my driveway, and began to accelerate when I saw something move on the side of the road.  I stopped ...
...and let them cross.

And to the other side they went!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Purple Ball

Rosco lost his purple ball in the leaves...
Who would think one could have this much fun with a purple ball?  Only a morkie could!
..but quickly found it again.

And what fun he had with it!

Sadie trying to figure out what fun can be had with this funny looking purple ball.  Only Rosco knows!

Friday, October 12, 2012


It's cold, but it's sunny.  The leaves are falling, but the flowers are still blooming.  It's October, I'm in a conundrum, do I rake the leaves or water the flowers?  Do I wear sandals or wear sandals with socks?  Basically, I'm just not ready to make that season change over yet.  Summer winds and hot weather come back. 
A fall pumpkin sits on the porch with my summer geraniums.

Just like wearing sandals with my socks on in the autumn leaves.
The summer flowers will fade away slowly, or get buried in autumn leaves.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Leave Me Alone...I'm Trying To Eat!

  Rosco has discovered a new place to enjoy his snacks.  He has gone to new heights to eat his milk bone.  Now, in his mind, he knows Cosmo can't steal it and Sadie can no longer bug him when he's trying to eat.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Leaves They Are A Changing...

Assorted colors throughout the backyard.
...and what a mess they are a making!  Many leaves are quickly turning red and falling.  Many leaves are still green and haven't turned red yet, and some trees have already lost all their leaves.  The dogs love running through my raked up leaf piles, and Cosmo loves to pee on them!
Sadie chasing Rosco around the maple tree.
Cosmo get that rake out and get to work!
The leaves on the trees are mostly red, but quite a few remain green.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

It's Not Deep Dish.....

Back home...Mr. B. searching for a really good deep dish pizza-just can't get that Chicago pizza out of his taste buds.
...but at least it's gluten free.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wait...Wait...Hold That Pose...

Darn it!  That Rosco is just too quick and impatient to pose for a picture.  Finally... on the third try, I got him.

Isn't he cute?

Thanks Toad!

I was busy Saturday afternoon straightening and cleaning up my little greenhouse when suddenly something moved.  Upon further investigation, this is what I found.  A big, fat, happy toad.  I had first spotted him at the start of summer hanging out at the front door of my greenhouse.  He was a much younger, smaller, skinnier toad back then.  Well, it looks like he's been pretty busy through the summer months.  I have to give thanks to this fat toad for curbing the pest population inside my greenhouse.  I've decided to let him stay.  He's advanced to the back corner of the greenhouse.
Mr. Toad's hiding spot is now at the back of the greenhouse.