Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Single Girls: Advice To Find a Man---Get Edging!

I just learned something new about male behavior this past weekend.  I now know from observation; if you want to get a man's attention, go outside and start edging.  Yes, edging ladies.  Edging gets a man's attention quicker than that brand new dress you just charged to impress.  How do I know this?  This past weekend, Mr. B. was outside edging by hand, our long driveway at the yellow brick house.  I occasionally looked up from my desk at the front window and every time I did, I saw a different guy standing next to Mr. B. talking and pointing.   I counted six, yes 6 guys, that walked over or stopped by to talk to Mr. B.                                                                When Mr. B. came back into the house,  I made the comment, "Oh, I see our neighbor across the street finally came over to introduce himself; afterall, it only took him 7 months to say hello."  I was being sarcastic.   "Why did he stop by today?"

"He came over to comment on my edging."  Mr. B. explained.  "He said I did a really nice job.  He told me he used to do his driveway, but didn't have the time for it anymore."

"What?"  Did I hear him correctly?   "He was impressed with your edging?  That's what brought him over to introduce himself?"   I was trying to figure this out.


I had to ask him about the other guys I saw at the end of my driveway.  "Well, who was the guy walking the little dog that stopped by to talk to you?"

"Oh, that was our neighbor, he lives two houses down the street on the opposite side of the road."

"Why did he stop, what was he talking to you about?"

"He told me I did a really nice job edging."  Mr. B. replied proudly.  "He told me he used to do his edging by hand too, but his back is really bad now, so he bought an edging machine and now uses it do his driveway."

"Really??"   I just couldn't believe these men and their fascination with edging.   "What was Tom doing over here?"  I had recognized our next door neighbor Tom when he walked over and started talking to Mr. B. too.

"He just wanted to tell me that my edging job looked really good."

After Tom left, I counted three more guys that stopped at the driveway to talk to Mr. B.  One guy was jogging, and Mr. B. said he had actually stopped his run to pay a compliment to him on the edging job in progress.

"What?!"   "All these guys and they all want to talk about edging? It's like a sporting event for them.   I'm just completely baffled by this male behavior!  I've never seen anything like it!"    This was getting ridiculous.  These men were more excited over this edging job than what most women get over a shoe sale.  "What is with you men and edging?" I asked Mr. B.

Mr. B. calmly replied, "I don't know, Brad says one can never do too much edging."

Brad is Mr. B.'s boss, the owner of a housing community who happens to enlist his maintenance team to edge all of the streets and driveways twice a year.  Brad gets excited over edging too.

Mr. B., "Did you see the white SUV that stopped in front of the driveway?"

"Yes I did.  Who was that?"

"That was Herb, our neighbor from four houses down, he lives in the red brick house." 

"Let me guess.  He wanted to talk to you about your edging."

"Yep.  He said it looked really good.  He said I did a nice job."

"Okay, I just don't get it."   "What is the big deal with men and edging?"  Mr. B. was laughing at me.  It was like he had a man secret and wasn't going to spill the beans.                                                I persisted,   "Does it have something to do with shaving their faces, is that like edging to you guys?"   "You know, the perfect line, the cleaning up?"     I was truly perplexed.   "I just find it so strange, all these men stopping by to compliment you on the edging you did."

"Well, one can never do too much edging."  Mr. B. was using one of Brad's favorite quotes again, "But I do know one thing."  Mr. B. stated.

"What's that?"  I asked, hoping to hear an explanation to all this foolish male behavior.  

"If Lola wants to get a boyfriend, tell her to take a wheelbarrow, a shovel, and a rake out front and stand at the end of the driveway and start doing some edging.  She only needs to start it and soon she'll have all kinds of guys stopping by to talk to her."

"Oh brother!"  I had to laugh.  "I guess edging is just a man thing."  Who knows?

The edging completed.  It's a man thing.

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