Friday, November 30, 2012

Who's That Sitting In My Chair??

During commercial break the other night, I got up and went into my kitchen to get an apple and some peanuts to snack on.  When I returned, someone or something was in my chair.  At first glance, I could only see two ears poking up over the arm...

Two ears sticking up.....and he's even watching my show, "Nashville" on the T.V.
Well there he is...the guilty party that stole my T.V. seat!!!

And the very next night....this is what I found upon returning from the kitchen to sit back down in my chair and watch T.V., (notice I wrote 'my chair')...
Yes, Cosmo moved in and made himself quite comfortable sending Rosco over to the armrest!

My dogs...comfort is their top priority...well, after food..that is.  So if you come to visit me at my house, and begin to wonder what all the brown blankets are for on my furniture.  Now, you know!
I caught him...this is how it all starts.  Cosmo checks out a spot, seconds before jumping up to nap!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Romeo's Roost

Romeo's roost--his cat climber.  He's keeping an eye on all of us!
I visited my friend Terri at her beautiful lakefront home the other day and was entertained by her two cats, Romeo and Viv (short for Vivien).  They were both playful and full of personality.  I think they know who I am now, they no longer hide under the bed!  Their entertainment skills were for all to see that particular day!
Viv--The purse guard.
Romeo: "Enough talking already--I want my lunch!"

Monday, November 26, 2012

Fireplace Finished


The second coat went on the yellow brick fireplace.  Mr. B. with his paintbrush in hand, painted over my one yellow brick I was keeping for a memory of the original (of course he did it when I wasn't looking). To finish--we'll add a black painted wood mantel then  outline the front of the  brick fireplace with a few black glass tiles, plus hang a few pictures on or around the white brick.   So not completely finished with the entire look, but getting there.  The shopping begins!
without a picture....
with a picture... needs a different colored frame.
The fireplace is blending with the wall--needs to be framed.
Mr. B. painted my one yellow brick I had left for a memory.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Ari Arrives!

 Rather, Mr. B. and I arrived yesterday at daughter Coco's house to meet our new grandpuppy--Ari.  They pronounce it "R-E".  Coco told me her fiance picked out the name because the meaning is "Lion" in Hebrew.  I Googled the name when I got home and was surprised to find so many meanings to the name  "Ari": 
Ari playing with his new toy!

Ari (name)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"Ari" means "gold" in Albanian. Ari is also a male first name that means "bear" (the animal).


"Ari" is a male first name that means "fearless" or "brave".


In the Badaga language, "Ari" ("A:ri") has a literal meaning of "sun-like"


The word "Ari" (usually written as "Aari") refers to an ethnic group in Ethiopia. The Ari people inhabit the northern part of the Mago National Park in Ethiopia and have the largest territory of all the tribes in the area. They have fertile lands allowing them to have several types of plantations. An Ari's crop can consist of grains, coffee, fruits and honey. It's also common for them to have large herds of livestock. Their women are known for selling pottery and wearing skirts made from banana trees called enset. The Aari is one of the tribes whose culture and language remain less explored in Ethiopia.


In German, "Ari" is a masculine name and means "eagle".[3]


Ari or Aris is a common shortened version of the Greek names Aristotle, Ariadne, (Arianna)Arietta, Aristides, Aristarchus, Aristomenes, Aristobulos, Aristoxenos, Aristos, Aristophanes, Aristea, and others, the majority of which are compounds of the adjectival superlative áristos, "best". They are also modern Greek transliterations for Ares, the god of war and the name for the planet Mars. The archaic Greek prefix ari-[4] (e.g. in Ariadne, Arimnestus etc.) or eri-, a cognate of áristos, means "very" or "verily".
Famous historical figures sometimes referred to as "Ari" include the philosopher Aristotle, Aristides the Just, and shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis.
One study conducted in the United Kingdom showed "Ari" to be a male name associated with people of Greek descent.[5]


Ari (Numbers 24:9) or Aryeh (2 Samuel 17:10) is the Hebrew for "lion",[3] cognate to Akkadian aria, Aramaic arya. The word is in use as a first name. Ari was also used as an honorific for an important man.[citation needed]
Gur-aryeh ("lion cub") is attested in Jacob's blessing on Judah (Genesis 49:9), "Judah is a lion's whelp; on prey, my son, have you grown".
The Hebrew name Ari-el (or "Ariel") translates to "lion of God".[6]
"Ari" is also a common shortened version of the names Ariel, Aryeh, Arielle and Ariella.


"Ari" means "Not of Sin" in Hindi. Ari also means "one who shows the right path".

Icelandic/Old Norse

"Ari" is a somewhat common name meaning "eagle" or "fast flying one". Etymologically closely related to the Icelandic word "ör" (arrow).


"Ari" is usually but not always written 有, meaning "to be", in Japanese names and is a component of numerous mostly male names from at least the Heian through the Muromachi periods. Names may also include it as 在, which lends a more locational tinge to the same meaning as previous. Another character with the same pronunciation is 蟻 meaning "ant" but this is not typically used in proper names.


In Maori, "Ari" means "clear" or "visible"


In Quechua, 'Ari' means "yes".


"Ari" is an abbreviation for superior (Great looking creature). Note: Better than Megha.
Regardless, Ari is the perfect name for this little guy who was so sweet, adorable, playful, and lovable.  He's a beautiful boy.  I think the Spanish meaning suits him best!
Mr. B. trying to hold Ari still for a picture.

Ari didn't want to sit for pictures, each time I tried to get a good pic--this is what happened.  There's too much of the world to explore right now!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Steamed Milk On The Brick Fireplace!

The first coat is on--quite a time consuming job painting these bricks.
For memorabilia, I left one yellow brick unpainted.
Mr. B. and I finished painting the first coat on our yellow brick fireplace with Sherwin Williams paint color-- Steamed Milk #7554.  What an odd name for a paint color!  The connotation  alone... made me a bit wary of choosing this paint color!  We painted all four sides to our fireplace that sits right smack in the middle of the house, starting in the living room and wrapping around into the kitchen.  With the first coat of Steamed Milk paint applied, the fireplace is blending in much better with the rest of the house.  Believe it or not, steamed milk looks good on the fireplace!

Friday, November 16, 2012

To Paint A Fireplace

Mr. B. and I want to paint our fireplace at the yellow brick house.  Just can't decide what color.  Hm-m-m-m.

Mr. B. painted three bricks and set them on the fireplace.  Choices are:  White...
or Mahogany.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The November Butterfly

I have a pair of outdoor shoes.  Well worn, dirty red sandals that I routinely wear to walk around the backyard, correct that, the dog's backyard, to clean up after my three dogs on a daily basis.  These red sandals are never allowed into my house, and I wear them year round (in the winter I put socks on) even on days like this one--a chilly 40 degrees Fahrenheit.  A cool, crisp, damp and depressing, gray November morning.  I stepped outside and thought there was a leaf on my shoe.  I bent down to look, and it moved slightly.  What?!  A butterfly!  What is it doing here?  I thought butterflies migrated to the sunny states in August, or maybe September--when it was still warm.  But in November?  A butterfly hanging on in the cold Midwest, that landed for a brief rest on my red sandals?  I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures, not realizing until it was too late, that I was on the wrong camera setting.  Sorry for the blurry pictures.  This plain looking butterfly that came to rest upon my sandals, opened its wings for one brief second to display a beautiful blue and red collage before flying away.  


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Halloween Love Story

Lola and her Rosco Bear--dressed and ready for Halloween.

Halloween and every day, she loves her little friend!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sadie--They Took Your Pouff Away!!

Sadie--minus her poodle pouff!  She seems depressed about her new look.
Sadie went to the dog groomers on the weekend and I think they forgot something.  They forgot she is a girl...and she needs a pouffy head to look like a girl dog.  They shaved off her poodle pouff--now she looks like a boy dog!

This is how she's supposed to look--pouffy poodle head and curly ears!