The November Butterfly

I have a pair of outdoor shoes. Well worn, dirty red sandals that I routinely wear to walk around the backyard, correct that, the dog's backyard, to clean up after my three dogs on a daily basis. These red sandals are never allowed into my house, and I wear them year round (in the winter I put socks on) even on days like this one--a chilly 40 degrees Fahrenheit. A cool, crisp, damp and depressing, gray November morning. I stepped outside and thought there was a leaf on my shoe. I bent down to look, and it moved slightly. What?! A butterfly! What is it doing here? I thought butterflies migrated to the sunny states in August, or maybe September--when it was still warm. But in November? A butterfly hanging on in the cold Midwest, that landed for a brief rest on my red sandals? I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures, not realizing until it was too late, that I was on the wrong camera setting. Sorry for the blurry pictures. This plain looking butterfly that came to rest upon my sandals, opened its wings for one brief second to display a beautiful blue and red collage before flying away.

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