Friday, February 15, 2013

The End of the Bla-Bla-Bla Blog.

My 54th year is no longer.  I had a birthday.  I am now officially on my 55th year, although I'm not liking the sounds of itI recently read that every 7 seconds in the United States someone turns 55.  The baby boomers are aging.  I felt younger,  immature, and more youthful at 54.  I liked saying "I'm 54" better than now having to admit I'm 55. I feel like now I really have to grow up, I am old.  I tell myself, "STOP"  it's only a number but it's still a new number for me.  I'm sure in two, to three, well maybe six months, I'll accept 55.   Can't be that bad,  hey Betty

White just turned 91-and look at her!  Most importantly, I'm still here.  I'm okay, I'm healthy, I'm functioning, and I'm happy to be here.  So, for now, this blog, "My 54th Year", comes to an end.  It was fun charting the progress at the yellow brick house, the adventures of Mr. B. and my three, along with the daily shenanigans of my three furry pals.  
There was lots of bla, bla, bla--my specialty. The renovations are slowing down at the yellow brick house, my three daughters are on the go in their busy lives, plus I started working again.  Life is changing for all of us  at the yellow brick house.  From my list of 54 things to do, many were accomplished this year, half done the other half I am still working on.  Most importantly, I blogged for one year.  My posts may become less as my life becomes more.  Busy that is.  But for now, I'm sticking with, "My 54th Year"  just because I like the sounds of it!

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