Monday, January 28, 2013

A Snow Fest is A Cold Fest

How cold was it?  With many layers of clothing on we are still very, very cold!

 January is a great month, at least in this part of North America, for local cities to hold and sponsor an annual event.  In this area, depending upon which town it is, it's called Snow Fest, or another town nearby calls their event Chili Fest, then there's Winter Fest, or Winter Carnival in another city-all held in January.  Regardless, it's all about snow and ice and really, really cold weather.  The colder the better--how else could the ice and snow sculptures stick around for three days?  Mr. B. and I stopped by and stayed a very short time.  It was just too darn cold, we walked really fast to look at these amazing works of art.  Or should I say--amazing works of snow and ice!   

Cold Mr. B. in front of the polar bear ice sculpture.

I liked this one--I think it's supposed to be 'Old Man Winter'
This was my favorite--'The Butterfly'   ah-h-h wishful thinking!

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