Friday, February 1, 2013

A Rosco Rug!

Mr. B. and I bought a new 8' x 10' area rug for the family room.  As we both carried it into the house and began to unroll it, I noticed Rosco watching us, being sure to stay out of the way but curious about what we were doing.  We unrolled the carpet and were positioning it across the floor, when suddenly Rosco jumped on top of it.  He was all over the rug in a matter of seconds.  First he rolled upside down on it scratching his back, then he ran around the perimeter smelling it, then the toys started to come out.  One by one he dragged his favorite toys over to the new carpet.  When he was finally finished with his fun, he layed down and looked at us looking at him.  Of the three of us, I think Rosco was the most excited to get a new rug in the family room!

First running...

then smelling...

carrying his toys onto the new rug...

one by one...


Getting tired.

The End.  Time to rest on his new Rosco rug!

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