Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Went to the park to take the 3 dogs for a walk tonight at 7:30 p.m., it was 33 degrees Fahrenheit  outside.  Getting back into the car with my fingers so cold they were numb, I told Mr. B. "I am so cold, my fingers hurt, I'm frozing."  Mr. B. replied, "You're frozing?"  "Is that a state between freezing and frozen?"  I replied, "I am SO cold I can't enunciate my words."  

   I started thinking, I like that word, it's a good in between word for not quite frozen but still freezing cold.  Frozing sounds like a sporting word, it sounds like an athletic event. " Let's go frozing in the wintertime, or have you ever gone frozing?"  It could be a winter event or something a person could only do when in the colder climate states-you know it would give the southern states some competition for tourism in the colder months.  People would come in droves to the northern states to go frozing.  We could invent a new dessert, called 'The Frozing' to be sold at Dairy Queen only.  Wow, tourism would boom.  I could be famous, just think-Kim50 started the popular winter sport of frozing, then invented the tasty frozing dessert which comes in four different flavors!  Try a chocolate frozing, vanilla ice frozing, strawberry frozing, or our most popular frozing cafe!
    Oh well, it was just a thought,  and now that I am beginning to thaw out in front of the fireplace I don't know if frozing would ever catch on.  Frozing was amusing for a while, but not sure if it's a state of being that I would really enjoy being in for a long period of time.  I still would pick palm trees and 80 degree weather over frozing anytime.

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