Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Would the Educated Person Please Step Forward?

Whitney Houston died the night before the 54th Grammy Awards in Hollywood, February 11th.  She was 48.  Autopsy reports are not  confirmed but speculation is that drugs and/or alcohol  played a part.  Television is reporting nonstop, the internet, and on the radio the news and updated reports are everywhere.  Her daughter is devastated.  It is very sad to say the least, but I'm having a hard time with this.  Why are there so many celebs doing the interviews expressing their shock and acting so surprised?  Whitney was an addict, that was well known.  She had been abusing for years, and the drug she was addicted to is difficult to completely recover from, let alone the use of prescription drugs along with her other cache.    What is the surprise here?  What are these celebs with their incredible talent doing?  Do these rich, sheltered people not get the education from the pharmacist each time they pick up their prescription?  Probably not because they send their assistant to the store to pick it up.                                                                               I used to work in a pharmacy and it was standard procedure for the pharmacist to speak to each patient about their medication regarding the dosage, side effects, and contraindications.  If it's illegal drugs, come on--that's why they're illegal and there is tons of info on the web and TV to educate. 

 Maybe these celebs should be hiring a nurse in their slew of staff they carry around with them.  The nurse would hold onto all medications and not release any pills until the prescribed time, and not release anything if there has been alcohol or another drug involved.  Are these celebs so disillusioned or in so much pain, grief and hardship that they are unable to figure out how much to take, what to take, and when to take whatever?  Maybe they shouldn't be hiring all these yes people.  Get someone on your staff that is going to tell it like it really is.  

  Money seems to be the influence for everyone involved, from the pharmaceutical companies making billions and billions off the weak, to the doctors making money from prescribing, to the immediate staff around the celeb that gets paid to keep their mouth shut.   Geez, hasn't there been enough examples-meaning deaths-lately of the side effects from drugs, mainly respiratory failure resulting from overdosing?  Don't they read the newspapers?  A few weeks ago it was Demi Moore.  
  Are their lives so hard and so difficult that they need to zone out?  What is wrong with these celebs?  I sit here in my Midwest boring life and have to wonder. Oh yeah, I remember, a hard life is having to work 50 hours a week to bring home a measly paycheck in a manual labor job.  Coming home so sore and stiff that you can hardly move and having to make something for dinner because you have three small children needing to eat and depending on you.  Going to bed late at night after having to do the housework, homework, and laundry so you are prepared to get up at 6 a.m. the next day and start all over again. 

  What is it like having all that money?   Flying first class, having people clean your home, raise your children, do your gardening and cooking, and drive you wherever your fancy so desires at whatever time you desire?  You don't have to worry about the car breaking down, and if it does you get it repaired - easily, quickly, and not having to worry about paying the mechanic. 
  Celine Dion was interviewed regarding Whitney's death and she said it best, "When you think about Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe and Michael Jackson and Amy Winehouse, to get into drugs like that, for whatever reason" Celine said. "Is it because of the stress and bad influence?"  "What happens when you have everything? What happens when you have love, support, the family, motherhood? You have responsibilities of a mother and then something happens and it destroys everything."                            Hats off to Celine Dion, you seem to be so grounded and genuine. In other words Hollywood, get your shit together.

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