Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I'll Take 65!

Mongo--(Cosmo, Sadie, and Rosco's West Coast dog cousin)--enjoying her run on the beach.
Here in the lovely, cold, chilly Midwest-we are all bundled up but still shivering.  Today it's just 34 degrees Fahrenheit outside.   That's daytime, we haven't reached the nighttime temperature yet.  Br-r-r-r even the dogs refuse to go outside today.  But meanwhile, in the sunny West--my sister and her furry baby Mongo are on the beach enjoying 65 degree weather.  She says that's cold for California--I say I'll take it any day.  How dare she send pictures of the fun they're having on the beach!  My latest beach picture involved polar bears and frozen toes!
My sister and Mongo enjoying the beach, the weather, the ocean, the warm, the sun, the....(sigh)

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