Monday, December 3, 2012

Polar Bear Training!

Mr. B. and I posing with the polar bear before running into the lake.
Mr. B. and I did something on the weekend most people would consider crazy. We participated in the Polar Bear Plunge on Dec. 1st, raising funds for the local Kiwanis Club for youth groups.  Mr. B. nor I did an actual plunge, but we ran (really fast) into the cold, make that very cold waters of Lake Huron.  Our feet were numb three seconds into the water.  We couldn't feel our feet walking back out of the lake.  Not sure how we made it to the car, but we quickly changed into dry clothing and dry shoes with heavy socks on, turned the car heater on full blast and laughed all the way to the restaurant for a bowl of hot chili.  We did it, maybe our last time...but we did it!

Mr. B. stops at the first sandbar to check to see if his feet are still attached!

Me--already cold with the 43 degree wind blowing.
Mr. B. getting ready for the countdown to plunge!
That's me waving(leaving the sandbar)heading towards the shore(behind me)
One word....Brave!

Into the lake...all the crazy people ran.  Mr. B. stops (front left) to grab his flip flops that fell off his frozen feet.

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