Monday, July 2, 2012

Camping on Lake Huron

Our view of Lake Huron from our RV.
Second trip out with our RV and this time was a good time for all.  The temperature in the Midwest has been holding steady in the mid-90's, it's just plain hot and humid here.  Mr. B. and I wanted to try our luck at camping again.  So on our second trip out, trying to be better prepared, we decided to head north. We pulled the RV in and parked, and there it was--beautiful Lake Huron--right in front of us.  We had a great view in a great campsite in a nice state park.  I packed lots of food for the dogs, but not so much for us.  I figured there would be a camp store, but there was not a single store in the park.  When you're driving an RV, you have to pack up the entire camper to go shopping, so we went for a two mile walk to the nearest store to buy some eggs, bacon, bread, and some drinks.  We were happy, the dogs were happy, and best of all, the air conditioner worked this time!
Cosmo and Sadie relaxing in the shade.
Mr. B.'s first dip in the Lake this summer.

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