Wednesday, July 11, 2012

And Today.....Will Be a NO Paint Day!

The mascot at the restaurant Coco and I went to.
My plan was to go to Coco's house yesterday on her day off work, to help her paint her living room.  She suggested instead, we tear down the wallpaper in her foyer and prep the walls for paint.  I said,  "That's fine, I'll do anything, I just want to come over to help you with one of your many house projects."  Coco's house has been undergoing renovations since February, I know she appreciates any and all help she can get.   Coco changed the plan and then wanted to sand the new drywall in the dining room.   I put my foot down at that suggestion.  "No, sorry, I don't do drywall.  I hate drywall, especially sanding."  Memories of drywall sanding in my yellow brick house are still fresh in my mind.  Drywall dust is still lurking in corners and hiding on my knickknacks. "Worse job ever, but anything else is fine with me."  I said cheerily.  Coco responded with, "I know what we could do.  How about helping me tear up the carpet in the hallway to get the floor ready for the ceramic tile?"  
"Sure" I said enthusiastically.  "Anything but drywall sanding."
I left my house the next morning with my toolbox, paint clothes and paint brushes and arrived at Coco's house just after 11:00 a.m.  Coco met me at the door and asked if I would mind going to the lake for lunch.  I said, "Sure, are we going to start painting when we get back?" 
Sailor's Alley just a block from the restaurant.
Coco enjoying her ice cream cone on a walk through town.
Coco answered with, "No.  I need a break, there will be no painting today."  I told her I could remove the wallpaper really quick and then we could go to lunch.  She said no, she wanted a breather, and needed to get away from all the work.  She would be working on the house that evening when her friend came over to help her finish the tiling in her bathroom.  This was one of her two scheduled days off work and she needed an afternoon off, the never ending work on the house was wearing her out.  I had to agree, I knew exactly what she was talking about.  So off we went to enjoy the day.  Turned out to be a great afternoon to play hookey!  
Even the geese were relaxing this afternoon.

 A picture perfect postcard town we thought as we sat by the water.

Our view from the restaurant we had lunch at.

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