Monday, July 30, 2012

The Amazing Mr. B.

The building process begins with Lola and Sadie watching Mr. B. work.
Mr. B. and I decided on 'The Flair'- the hot tub model, that is, that's called the 'Flair'.  All hot tubs have show-stopping names, so I found out.  The Flair will be arriving at our house in a week and now Mr. B. has another project.  Build a deck off the deck we have, to accommodate our new 'Flair' hot tub.  This past weekend was spent on the deck: measuring, sawing, and hammering.  Mr. B. surprised me and built an outdoor shelf on our new deck for a radio, television, or whatever. What a guy!!
Framing Done
The deck beginnings....

These railings will come down for an opening to the hot tub.

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