Monday, January 28, 2013

A Snow Fest is A Cold Fest

How cold was it?  With many layers of clothing on we are still very, very cold!

 January is a great month, at least in this part of North America, for local cities to hold and sponsor an annual event.  In this area, depending upon which town it is, it's called Snow Fest, or another town nearby calls their event Chili Fest, then there's Winter Fest, or Winter Carnival in another city-all held in January.  Regardless, it's all about snow and ice and really, really cold weather.  The colder the better--how else could the ice and snow sculptures stick around for three days?  Mr. B. and I stopped by and stayed a very short time.  It was just too darn cold, we walked really fast to look at these amazing works of art.  Or should I say--amazing works of snow and ice!   

Cold Mr. B. in front of the polar bear ice sculpture.

I liked this one--I think it's supposed to be 'Old Man Winter'
This was my favorite--'The Butterfly'   ah-h-h wishful thinking!

Friday, January 25, 2013

This One This Way Or That One That Way?

This way?  Or...

...that way?  Mr. B. and Lola like it here.  I say it covers too much of the brick, I want it to cover the bare wall above.
 I'm still trying to figure out what to hang above or over the newly painted brick fireplace that stops two feet short from the ceiling.  The brick stops and the wall begins.  I want to place something colorful in this empty space.  Seems everything I get; Mr. B. and Lola both agree, looks better when placed directly above the mantle...which to me, does nothing but cover up the newly painted brick.  I originally wanted to place glass tiles above and around the sides of the brick, then I received a clock as a gift, and I purchased a piece of art--which is painted metal...I think.   I just can't figure out what to hang, or where to hang it!
Maybe hang the clock this way.  Or...
... put the clock that way....or.... the clock here? 
I just don't know.  Perhaps I really haven't found the right thing yet.  I have to call it a "thing" because at this point, it's an unknown object to me.  It's yet to be seen...or rather... it's yet to be purchased!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

High 4.

I'm waiting for it to snow, but I really think it's too cold to snow.  There's scant snow flurries in the background.
Snow flurries start to fall, then quickly stop. 
How cold is it?  Well, the temperature is going to peak at a high of 4 degrees Fahrenheit today.  That's minus 19 Celsius where my daughter lives. 
It's so cold, that the deck is protesting.  It's making loud popping noises.
I thought the trees were going to break and fall to the ground.  Every time the wind blows, the tree branches make strong, blustering crackling noises in the still of the day.  It's so loud.  There is no one to be seen outside today, and the schools cancelled because of the cold, cold weather.
...and there's Cosmo...slowly walking in.  The other two dogs ran back inside. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Signs. Signs.

Everywhere signs.  Some of my favorites...with some of my favorite people.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Speak Softly...Now Put Your Hat On!

What a sweet dog.  I wonder if he got lots of treats?
I picked up a copy of  "Coffee News" while having lunch at my local restaurant and started reading about a business in Atlanta, Georgia that is called, "To Scarborough Fair."  The owner, Amelie, makes top hats, berets, and whimsical headgear for her customers' four-legged friends.  She suggests that her customers speak gently and soothingly on top of offering treats to their pets as a way to relax the animal and make them interested in wearing something on their heads.  
This dog looks very happy wearing the pink sombrero.

Well, my dogs get lots of treats and are spoken to softly and ever so soothingly, but they aren't having anything to do with wearing a hat on their head any day soon!

Rosco's B-Day hat didn't put a smile on his face! 
I think all 3 of my dogs agree:  Leave the hats to the cats!

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Happy Spatula Owner!

Belle opening up her present in the parking lot of the restaurant.
Coco & her Christmas presents.
Over the weekend I met up with Belle, Lola, and Coco for lunch and to exchange gifts.  Coco's Christmas gifts were delayed because of a nasty bout of flu that knocked her down and out over the holidays.  Not to be forgotten, I bought small gifts for Belle and Lola to open while Coco was opening her Christmas presents.  What a surprise!  Belle was so happy to get a new spatula!  Turns out she just recently lost hers at an office party.
See..a mother really does know best.  Intuitively, I knew she needed a new spatula!

Balls--Just Give Me More Balls!

Finally...Rosco finds the hidden balls!

 I recently discovered something that Rosco really, really likes.  Tennis balls.  Yup.  And not just one, but the more the merrier!  He somehow sniffed out these two tennis balls on top of a chair that were hidden from sight under a scarf and hat.  He made all kinds of noise (barking, crying, whining sounds) then finally worked up the courage to jump up on the rocking chair, moved the scarf and hat to the floor, and found these two balls.

Happy at last...and he's not letting them go!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Purse Puppy!

Panda sits comfortably in Belle's purse.  No problem.
Belle wanted to show off her new purse and new puppy-Panda.  Not to be outdone, or forgotten, Lola quickly grabbed Rosco.
Rosco--not so happy being in Lola's purse!

Cosmo--the 110 lb. poodle is another story.  He doesn't care about fitting in a purse.  He'll just watch from the couch!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Basking In The Winter Sun (at the drycleaners)

I drove by my favorite dry-cleaners the other day, and sure enough...there they were.  The two dry cleaner models sitting on a bench in front of the store.  The same two I spotted in the summer that I mistakenly thought were two lazy employees on a long, extended work break.  I was happy to see they both had their winter coats on and I guess it was necessary to have sunglasses on too.  After all, it was a bright and sunny 34 degree Fahrenheit lovely, warm winter day.  
These are the same two I wrote about in July --different hair, different clothes, and a different plant back then!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More Fun In The Snow!

Rosco jumps up to catch Sadie as she runs past!

The snow is still here and not going anywhere soon, might as well make the best of it.  The dogs sure do!

Sadie busy sniffing.  Always busy sniffing something.
Finally done sniffing...time to move on.
She came back to get Rosco to follow her.