Monday, January 7, 2013

Have Shoe Grips....Will Travel!

My new plan for 2013 involves a pedometer, shoe grips, dogs, and the outdoors.  I'm going to pack up all that exercise equipment and focus on going outside and walking 10,000 steps a day. 
  I love walking, the dogs love walking, and we all love the outdoors.  I take my dogs for an evening walk every day and always have, but lately those walks have been getting shorter and shorter.  I decided I'll take my camera, put on my pedometer and away I   away we go!   There's still lots of snow on the ground which is quickly turning into ice because of the warmer temperatures--35 degrees Fahrenheit--and that makes for slippery 
My downspout covered in ice.
That glaze on the snow is ice.
conditions.  After a nasty fall two weeks ago, which I haven't regained full use of my left arm and shoulder yet, I'm not taking any chances.  So shoe grips are definitely going on until the spring!
And away we go....the dogs are definitely loving an afternoon walk!

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