Friday, January 25, 2013

This One This Way Or That One That Way?

This way?  Or...

...that way?  Mr. B. and Lola like it here.  I say it covers too much of the brick, I want it to cover the bare wall above.
 I'm still trying to figure out what to hang above or over the newly painted brick fireplace that stops two feet short from the ceiling.  The brick stops and the wall begins.  I want to place something colorful in this empty space.  Seems everything I get; Mr. B. and Lola both agree, looks better when placed directly above the mantle...which to me, does nothing but cover up the newly painted brick.  I originally wanted to place glass tiles above and around the sides of the brick, then I received a clock as a gift, and I purchased a piece of art--which is painted metal...I think.   I just can't figure out what to hang, or where to hang it!
Maybe hang the clock this way.  Or...
... put the clock that way....or.... the clock here? 
I just don't know.  Perhaps I really haven't found the right thing yet.  I have to call it a "thing" because at this point, it's an unknown object to me.  It's yet to be seen...or rather... it's yet to be purchased!

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