Tuesday, January 22, 2013

High 4.

I'm waiting for it to snow, but I really think it's too cold to snow.  There's scant snow flurries in the background.
Snow flurries start to fall, then quickly stop. 
How cold is it?  Well, the temperature is going to peak at a high of 4 degrees Fahrenheit today.  That's minus 19 Celsius where my daughter lives. 
It's so cold, that the deck is protesting.  It's making loud popping noises.
I thought the trees were going to break and fall to the ground.  Every time the wind blows, the tree branches make strong, blustering crackling noises in the still of the day.  It's so loud.  There is no one to be seen outside today, and the schools cancelled because of the cold, cold weather.
...and there's Cosmo...slowly walking in.  The other two dogs ran back inside. 

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