Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Oh Romeo....

Handsome Romeo
The highlight of my week, last week, was visiting with two old friends.  They are not old, as in age, but they have both been in my life for years.  I picked up Julie-who I've known since the 4th grade-and we drove 45 minutes to Terri's house-who I've known since the 6th grade. Terri, is one of those kind, generous souls that always goes the extra mile without hesitation.  Terri rescued me on the playground when we were both twelve years old.  I was the new kid at school in a new school district, I hated recess because I didn't have any friends to talk to or hang out with on the playground. Terri walked by me while I was sitting on the swings alone, and stopped.
  She sensed my awkwardness, walked over to me and with her instant smile introduced herself. She invited me to join her group of friends on the playground.  In the weeks pursuing, whenever I saw Terri, she always had an entourage following her. This girl was surrounded with friends.  If we passed each other in the hallway, she would go out of her way to say, "Hi Kim."  Other kids in the sixth grade quickly noticed I was now one of Terri's friends, and sure enough, my classmates started to talk to me.  I sometimes wonder, if we all had cell phones back then, would the friendship still be extended to the new kid?  Yes, if Terri had a cell phone in the 1970's, she still would have taken notice because that's the person she is.  She has optimistic faith in human nature coupled with empathy for the down and out.  Which explains her two beautiful furry kids she adopted, because she's the human with cat allergies.  But they needed a good home.  And that was more important than allergies to Terri!  
The beautiful--Miss Vivian.

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