Friday, August 31, 2012

Summer's End To Landscaping

Fall is approaching.  My flowers are slowing down, and landscaping for the yellow brick house is coming to a close.  To date, we have planted fourteen trees, two bushes, put a fence up, edged our driveway and sidewalks-discovering more sidewalk that was covered up with grass, and planted several flowers.   We stained our deck and steps, painted the exterior of the house, pulled out a few dead bushes and a small dead tree, added new exterior lights, and brought home a huge, carved bird for the front of the house (still isn't stained).  We added a greenhouse and hot tub in the backyard along with several hanging flowers and vegetables.  Whew!  We 
even changed our mailbox from black to bright white (installed by Mr. B. to help me find my driveway-- the driveway to my house that I consistently drove by).  The bright, red blooms on the geraniums are slowing down, I hate to see them go.  They've been a great color booster for the front of this worn, yellow brick house.  Maybe I should paint my bird statue a bright red in place of the red geraniums this winter.  Hm-m-m--it would match the Jeep.
Red geraniums. Red Jeep.  Red bird?

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