Friday, August 24, 2012

You Can't Go Camping Without...

..seeing one of these cute, little critters.  Or so I thought they were cute, little critters until the day one ran into the store I was working in and refused to leave.  I was sitting at my desk, eating my lunch when it popped up in front of me. I ran after it, but it was too fast for me.   I couldn't believe how much this 'little' creature could eat, ripping into big bags of dog food, bird seed, and peanuts, it never stopped eating.  No wonder it didn't want to leave!  It took two days and two people chasing it to finally get it back outside.  Bet it was too bloated and fat to climb back up its tree!
Look at those eyes.  He'll  have that entire bird feeder emptied in an hour.

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