Thursday, May 10, 2012

Ice Cream B-Day Party--All Dogs Invited

Rosco turned two yesterday.  May 9th--two years ago he was born on Mother's Day.  Last year, Lola was in Paris, France and there was no celebration for this cute little morkie.  This year, Lola went all out and had a birthday party for Rosco Bear.  Cosmo and Sadie were invited.  There were birthday songs, birthday hats, birthday presents, and who could forget---Rosco's all-time favorite--ice cream.  A two-year old, seven pound morkie---what could be more special than that?
One of Rosco's new birthday toys

Rosco loved his ice cream
Cosmo and Sadie enjoying their ice cream cups.
Sadie and her ice cream cup
Cosmo can't fit his nose inside so he's working around the edge.
Lola with her little Prince Charming
Rosco Beginnings-just 12 weeks old.
The 1.9 pound Rosco sleeping next to Mr. B.'s hairy arm
Mr. B. and I meet our new grandpuppy
Mr. B. and Rosco Bear

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