Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lose The Wheat, Lose The Weight

Well, I started my VLCD=very low calorie diet on Thursday last week.  Today-Wednesday-I am down 8 LBS. and all I can say is I AM HUNGRY!  I finally got over my caffeine headaches or rather migraines from quitting cold turkey on the colas.  Still craving the sugar and all that wheat junk.  People have asked me for the definition of a wheat belly.  I first learned about this term from Dr. Sherrill Sellman on The Progressive Radio Network.  She has a radio program called 'What Women Must Know'.  Her recent guest, Dr. Davis, says that a person consuming wheat will consume an additional 400 to 500 extra calories per day.  Eating wheat does not fill you up, it makes a person hungrier.    Dr. Davis sums up the health risks from wheat on a recent show.                                               Follow this link:

What Women Must Know – 04/23/12

I agree wholeheartedly with Dr. Davis, who explains why wheat is the largest contributor to obesity.  I went on the HGH diet two years ago, under the direction of Dr. Sherrill Sellman, which calls for the elimination of wheat amongst other junk from the diet.  I was overweight, swollen, had sore joints, and kept gaining weight.  Within two weeks of starting the diet, the swelling went down around my joints.  Wheat is not the same wheat that we boomers once consumed in the sixties and seventies.  It was in the mid 80's that they started messing with our crops.  Ever notice how bland our food tastes these days?  Ever notice how people started to get fat around the late eighties and especially the 1990s?  Too bad for the kids born of recent years, they'll never know what food is really supposed to taste like.  Thanks to GMOs and companies like Monsanto, they may never taste real food.

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