Thursday, May 3, 2012

Top Ten GMO Foods---Tomatoes Too???

I just finished reading the article by Dr. Mike Adams in his Natural News newsletter listing the top ten GMO foods to avoid.  I knew about corn, cotton, soy, potatoes, and now I find out that tomatoes are a GMO crop.  Really?  Tomatoes are a key staple to this diet I am on.  When did they start messing with tomatoes?  I don't want to eat GMO garbage.  Monsanto again???   This company is beginning to rule the world.  All because tomatoes can have a longer shelf life.  I just don't know how we ever managed before Monsanto, I hope they go and GMO themselves and disappear off this earth.  ##!!! holes.   

   Here is Mike Adams list of top 10 GMO foods to avoid:
Read it and weep.

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