Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bathrooms, Washrooms, Restrooms...Where Is It?

Coco on her long walk to the restroom.
I don't know why, but every time Coco and I get together the same question comes up, "which way to the restrooms?"  Probably because we're female, right?  It's always so complicated en- route, never just a simple to your right, or to your left.  While at this past weekend's wedding, the question came up. We were told the bathrooms were located in a large building about two miles from the wedding.  Not really that far, but seemed like it when you really gotta go!  So Coco and I walked ran together to find the bathrooms, and when we got to the large building, the doors were locked-that is all the doors.  We met a young bewildered dad with his young son trying to figure out how to break in to get to the restrooms, which for them, much easier to use the outdoor facilities-if you know what I mean.   I didn't mention this as we were complete strangers.  After what seemed like 10 minutes of trying all the doors, we finally located the bathrooms at the back, on the outside of the building.  Whew!  That was a close call!

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