Monday, September 10, 2012

If You Have The Time....You'll Find It!

One of my favorite places to go is my local trade-a-book bookstore.  It's filled with some of the most interesting and long forgotten books, mostly paperback, that I've seen in a long time.  I was looking for a certain book published in 1964 when I first discovered this treasure of a store.  My first trip to the store, I asked the beautiful, white-haired 86 year-old woman that owned the store if she had this particular book I was looking for.  She looked at me and laughed.  She told me nothing is listed or cataloged, the titles and authors are in random order.  She said in her quiet voice, "You never know what you'll find in here, if you have the time to search, it's probably here."   She was right, after a two hour search, and many fascinating book titles... I found it!

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