Thursday, September 20, 2012

"Stop The Car!"

Mr. B. and I went to a Greek restaurant for lunch Sunday afternoon. Heading back home, Mr. B. spotted a hammer on the road.  "Stop--I'll get it," I yelled.  Mr. B. said, "No, it'll be gone by the time we turn around, forget it."  He said it looked like a really 'good' hammer.  I finally convinced him to turn back after driving two blocks, and pull into a parking lot so I could jump out and grab it.  He did and I got the hammer.  I know from past experiences, you never know what you'll find when traveling on the road.  To date; I have found a brand new, large brown pillow(made a great couch pillow), a brand new, white sweat suit still wrapped in plastic( it fit perfect), an ironing board, brand new toys (found when my girls were younger-baby dolls and stuffed animals still in the boxes), a new blanket(found in the package, never opened), a brand new front fender or I think it was a Mustang bra still in the box(Mr. B. wouldn't let me bring this one home, I had to leave it on the side of the road), and a Chihuahua.  Yes, a little 4 pound Chihuahua puppy crossed our paths late one evening. Mr. B. and I were driving home on a five lane roadway when Mr. B. spotted something, "There's a dog in the middle of the road."  Sure enough, this poor little dog was in the roadway walking back and forth across the lanes looking very confused while cars swerved around her blowing their horns.  I had to do something and fast!  "We have to stop and get that poor little thing, she'll get hit!"  We turned the car around and followed this frightened Chihuahua into a parking lot.  I got out of the car, but she was so scared she ran again.  Two blocks later I caught up to her following a young couple down the street.  I asked if the dog belonged to them and they said, "No, she keeps following us, she won't go away!"  They had no idea who she belonged to.  I slowly approached her then picked her up, I wrapped her in a blanket then put her in my lap.   She was exhausted and fell asleep quickly on the car ride home.  The next day I called all the shelters, the radio station, drove 
Me and Miss Daisy
around that same neighborhood asking people if they knew this dog, I posted  newspaper and internet ads, then waited.  After seven days, no one had claimed this little dog.  I would have kept her, making her the fourth dog in my house, but we had just brought home baby Rosco and the two did not get along.  It was fortunate that I was working in a pet store at the time because I found a wonderful new parent for this cute girl.  She now lives in a big house with three golden retrievers and gets showered with lots of love everyday.  They named her Daisy.  Miss Daisy the happy Chihuahua we rescued because we stopped the car that night.  (see below)
Isn't she cute?  She got quite comfortable at my house before going to her permanent home and becoming Miss Daisy!

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