Monday, September 17, 2012

Non-Sticky In The Windy City!

The windy city.

The server at the pizza restaurant we went to.
Mr. B. just celebrated a very special birthday, and one of Mr. B.'s very special- make that favorite food- is pizza.  Where is the best place to get great pizza?  Make that Chicago.  Mr. B. and I traveled by train into Chicago's Union Station on a sunny, windy Saturday.  We had the best pizza ever then hopped on a double-decker bus to see some Chicago sights.  It was a beautiful September day to tour  and learn the history of the city.  Once again, we saw a bride and groom.  These weddings seem to be a recurring theme for us whenever/wherever we travel.  The day went by too fast and soon we had to head back to our RV by train.  Before we boarded, I bought a large, 32 oz. cup of sweet lemonade to share with Mr. B. for the ride back.  What a great way to complete our day when I spilled the large lemonade (sticky, sugary lemonade) and it went all over Mr. B.'s lap, legs and left arm!  I had carried that cup with me all through Union Station, through crowds of people, and within two minutes of sitting down on the train--I knocked it over while playing with the recline/upright seat position buttons on my train seat.  What a mess I made!  We hoped no one had noticed as we quickly got up and exchanged our seats for two empty, clean, and non-sticky seats further down the aisle!  I could tell Mr. B. was not happy when he showed me his wet, sticky shirt and pants and threw his sticky coat on the floor.  Trying to change his sour mood, I smiled at him and said, "At least it happened on the ride home.   Just think, you could have been sticky in the windy city and everything would have stuck to you!"  He frowned.
Mr. B. ready to indulge in his slice of deep dish pizza.
Happy on the double-decker bus.
Mr. B. standing at the Chicago River
Me-minus a large lemonade!
Through the streets of Chicago on the bus
The bride and groom posing for pictures.

A sea dragon hiding in the flower beds.

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