Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hooked On Honey Boo Boo!

Wednesday evenings are quickly becoming my favorite night of the week.  Well, make that my favorite T.V. night of the week.  Call me crazy, but I'm really loving the new TLC show, "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!"  I know, I know.  I've listened to the critics bashing this show.  But this family from small town Georgia is funny, and I don't mean that in a condescending  way.  Actually, they are just downright hilarious.  The experts bashing this show are rich and removed from reality, they truly are clueless about life amongst the lower class.  The kind of life where you have to make due with what you have and/or work hard for.   
Honey Boo Boo is a six year old beauty pageant contestant that makes the rounds with her mother-June, a.k.a."Mama Bear",  3 sisters, and usually her father, Mike, aka"Sugar Bear".  They live in a small town in Georgia, with a high speed train that frequently runs beside their house.  Honey Boo Boo is a cute, active, very happy and silly little girl.  She is funny without realizing it, very animated. I just can't stop  laughing.  This family is honest and open about everything.  And I mean EVERYTHING! 
 "Keeping up with the Kardashians" is above and beyond reality, as reality families go.  Spoiled, selfish millionaires living in their own little world.  They have nothing but their mirrors happening in their lives, sitting around all day and night staring at their cell phones.    Why does anyone watch?  This isn't reality to most TV viewers, it's not a life any of us will ever attain.   Million dollar weddings, million dollar cars, million dollar mansions.  I watched one show where Kim lost her $70,000 earrings.  Who cares?  And who needs to know that?  The big ass girls in that family are the first to blow their own horns to tell their viewers how hard they work and how smart they are to be millionaires.  No, its not how smart or hard they work, its neither.  Its how stupid the viewers are that keep watching and purchasing their junk that keeps them rich. I don't sense a whole lotta love in this family, they're very focused on money, not on each other, so much so, that the mother is the founder of a church that gives them a nice, big, fat tax write off.  On the other side, there's always a whole lotta laughter and love with this family in Georgia.
I listened to Nancy Grace and her panel bashing this family, stating how outrageous and downright deplorable this show was.  Nancy Grace was outraged with this  family, especially with mother June.  People with loads of money, degrees, and titles are clueless about the lower class.  They get chauffeured to work or drive their luxury car to a six figure job,  have nannies that raise their kids, have assistants that run their errands and live with 2.2 people in a 10,000 sq. ft. home.  Is this real life?  For them it is, but for most of America it is not.  This Georgia family is the new real America.  This is what America is now.  If you think these people are stupid, who's really at fault here?   Corporate America is taking over and they certainly don't care about the poor or lower class.  That's so beneath them.  Can't afford a college education? Well, who can?  Only the rich.  If you're a kid from a poor family, why go to college?  When you get out, where will you get a job, how do you pay back your tuition? 
This is what I see when I watch this show.  I see an obese mother, and yes, she is the first to tell you she's fat, but she is there beside her children through thick and thin.  It's not an act.  Mama Bear  has stated she doesn't believe in marriage because men tend to come and go.  She believes in her children, stating they're her true family, knowing they'll always be there with her and for each other.  Her children have the utmost respect for her.   Compare again to the rich, spoiled Kardashians and the manner in which they speak to their mother.  It's embarrassing to watch.  They disrespect her, call her names, and put her down every chance they get.  Mama Bear doesn't put up with that, she gives her daughters the look and they know.    Have to admit, they are definitely grounded.
 This is our America now, not the stuffy, spoiled rich perspective, but the hard working, struggling poor class is the new reality.   This family is the real thing.  It's not just in Georgia, it's everywhere.  Who can afford designer clothes, purses, cars, etc.  Who cares?  Not these people.  They don't fly to Bora Bora for family fun, they go to the county fair or on their quads to play in the mud for some family fun.  Their meals are home cooked, the mother clips coupons , the father works 7 days a week, and yes unfortunately, the 15 year old daughter is pregnant with no baby daddy in sight.  Mama June told her, the boyfriend wouldn't stick around 'cuz he only wanted a piece of her biscuit and then he'd be gone'.  As mothers go, you couldn't get more blunt than that tidbit of advice given to a teenage daughter.  Guaranteed June will be at her daughter's side during the pregnancy and birth of this new 'Bear' clan member.  So move over all of you stuffy, snotty rich people.  Here comes Honey Boo Boo and her family, and from what I can see-they're the real thing.

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