Friday, September 14, 2012

Picture Worthy Zucchini?

Yesterday, I was visiting my sister-in-law when she happily gave me some veggies from her garden.  When I arrived home and went into the kitchen, I yelled out to Lola who was in another room, that I just brought home some garden fresh tomatoes and zucchini.   Lola gave a shout out from the hallway that she would love to make her yummy pasta sauce with the zucchini I had just brought home.  I shouted back, "Sure, go ahead, that's a great idea!"  When she opened the fridge door, she got quite the surprise! 
Lola gets a picture of the zucchini before chopping.
See that small green thing in Lola's right hand?--That's a zucchini from my garden!
Meanwhile....many chops later.
The end.  Lola's delicious zucchini pasta sauce.

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