A large solar flare is headed towards earth. The sun erupted Tuesday evening and the effects will start showing up on earth by 7 a.m. EST Thursday. Today is Wednesday, it is 61 degrees Fahrenheit and the weather is beautiful. I was going to go outside and start my landscaping but now that I have heard this, I think I better start to prepare.
I have listened to Progressive Radio Network and Gary Null has had many interesting guests on his program, namely scientists talking about a huge solar storm in 2012. This whole doomsday prophecy for 2012--apparently this is the beginning. One scientist in particular told of a conference he attended with other scientists discussing how a huge solar storm will affect the planet Earth in the later part of 2012, I guess it's early.
Millions will be affected, it was a very scary scenario he claimed. The scientists were all sworn to secrecy because of potential mass hysteria considering the vast number of people affected. This particular solar flare is going to hit the Midwest, mainly the Central and Northeast sections. I think that's me. Yikes!! I need to run to the store and get water. Forget frozen entrees, there will be no microwaving or baking. It will be hotdogs and hamburgers on the grill outside. Geez, just when I was going to start my diet. Which reminds me, I need charcoal and more matches. I will also need dog food, I need to stock up now-what will my 3 dogs eat? I need to fill my car with gas. Will a full tank make it to Florida?? I doubt it, I don't know where to go. I don't have a doomsday shelter, I don't have a stockpile of supplies. Heck, I don't even have a basement anymore, let alone a finished working kitchen. But I guess I won't be needing a kitchen now.
today I need to catch up on my laundry, fill the car up with gas--now that I know how to open the fuel door, go to the grocery store, inform
everyone in my family today--because telephones or cell phones will
not be working, bake ahead lots of peanut butter squares, get a medical kit ready and buy an axe to chop wood. I need to buy lots and lots of batteries
and buy a good pair of walking shoes and a bicycle. When the gas runs
out of my car, that's it, I'm out, unless I have an extra 55 gallons set
aside somewhere.
Maybe I should get some bars on my windows and extra locks on my
doors. A good doomsday prepper would be prepared for intruders. 
See----hysteria. This of course would not be happening if the person running this country had prepared in advance on our behalf. The scientist had mentioned that the power grids would survive a huge solar storm if the grids had all been updated and protected properly. Simple procedure apparently, just that it was costly. Everyone in the white house knows about the solar storm (past and present leaders). Nothing has been done. I guess NASA thinks it is sufficient notice to post a 24 hour warning on the internet----geez, that really helps. The Carrington Effect of 1859 will be considered mild compared to the big solar storms of 2012.
By the way, just who is the optimist writing the articles that I read today stating the overall positive from this huge solar flare will be the much improved and noticeable auroras or Northern Lights.
Who has time to look at Northern Lights? I'm too busy stockpiling.
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