Friday, March 9, 2012

Lights! Kitchen! Action!

Well here I am on Friday, with my electricity and all kinds of bottled water, canned tuna and canned chicken.  I never did get the chance to bake my peanut butter squares!  This sudden stockpiling is related to my last post on Wednesday about the solar flare.  Guess what?  It came, it is still coming, and we still have our lights, GPS and cell phones working just fine thank you.  So far so good.  They claim it was the most potent solar storm since 2004, they also claim more is coming.                                                                         I think it's time to get started back on the kitchen.  I have had such a headache since Wednesday's solar storm.  Wondering if it causes headaches and light outages?

 Speaking of lights, my favorite thing to do on a rainy day is go to a lighting store.  I love looking at light fixtures.  I always have.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's because my dad is an electrician.  I am fascinated with lights.  Maybe it is because I have lived in places where Thomas Edison lived.  Maybe it is because, as Mr. B. has noticed, I have a certain effect on lights.  I tend to make lights go off or back on when I walk near them or drive directly under them.  Not all the time, but many times this happens.  I told Mr. B. this when he first met me.  He didn't believe me until he saw it happen with his own two blue eyes!  We were walking our dog, Cosmo Crispin outside on a high school football field.  We walked directly under a tall, large, brightly lit stadium light--it went out.                 Mr. B. looked at me and said, "That's strange, must have just burned out."
"No, it will come back on when we walk back this way to get to our car."  I can be so smug at times.

I noticed Mr. B. kept looking over his shoulder to see if that light turned back on while we were walking away from it on the field.  It never did.  We walked to the end of the field and told Cosmo it was time to go back now.  Cosmo knows what this sentence means, time to go back now, and will do the cutest 3/4 spin turn around on his hind legs.  He's a standard poodle--a very intelligent poodle boy.
Well, needless to say, we had to walk back under that same light.  It was still out, but I noticed and Mr. B. noticed, that as we approached that same light, it began to flicker.  I walked under the light and....Bing!   Bright light on once again.
"I told you so."   Boy,  I just love being right.                                     Mr. B. shot me a questionable look.  I then emphatically stated it was because of my magnetic personality that I have this effect on lights.  I tried to change the subject quickly before he ran away taking the engagement ring with him.  

Whether it's from my electrical background, magnetic personality, or just because of my affinity to lights, I enjoy looking at all kinds of lights.  I like taking pictures of lights, which is not a bad idea considering the upcoming incandescent bulb ban.

Who's Electric??

Getting back to the kitchen.  Mr. B. and I have been so lucky to have such nice, helpful, caring family members willing to give up their Saturdays to come over and help put our kitchen back together.  Accolades go out to my dad--the master electrician, my brother-the electrician, and my brother-in-law, M.J. who can balance really heavy upper kitchen cabinets on his shoulder while waiting for Mr. B. to fasten it in place. 

Mr. B. and our favorite electricians

My kitchen before cabinets.  Note the finished beadboard ceiling.

Introducing:  The 1st kitchen cabinet.  1 up, 10 more to go!

Look!  We're getting there!

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