Friday, March 23, 2012

Deer, Toenails, and Blossoms

There has been unbelievable weather here in the Midwest.  For the last few days, the temperature has been in the 80's.   A beautiful 83 degrees Fahrenheit and I'm heading outside to sit on my deck and enjoy the sights and sounds of the day.  I am going to take a break from painting and cleaning the yellow brick house, and enjoy the weather.  This is STILL March!  I just can't waste a day like this, so outside I go.
The momma deer and her baby beside the fence

There are deer in my backyard, buds blooming on the trees, all kinds of birds singing, and the grass is turning greener everyday.  It's a good day to go outside, put some nail polish on my toe nails and get ready for flip flop season.  Hurray!!

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