Thursday, March 15, 2012

Look! It's a Robin!

Spring is official on the 20th of March.  Today is March 15th, still officially winter here in the Midwest.   Well, supposed to be.  It is an unbelievable 71 degrees Fahrenheit outside today.  Hot and sunny.  Everywhere you look, you will see bicycles, motorcycles, lots of people out walking or playing sports, raking their lawns, washing their cars, giving their dogs haircuts, and lots of robins.  Yes, robins; the quintessential early bird.  I saw my first robin today.  Here in the Midwest we mark the first sign of spring with the sighting of the robin.  You have to look closely at the picture,  you will see the robin in front of the green bush.  Notice all the tired, bare trees from winter in the background.  Unfortunately, I could not get too close to the robin and I didn't have a telephoto lens.  You will have to believe me.  I saw one, then two, then so many robins in this park I couldn't count them all.  So it's official--Spring is here before the calendar says so. 

I also marked this beautiful, warm day with a specialty Rosco haircut.  This blooming boomer learned how to shave dogs from watching my talented sister-in-law shave Cosmo.  She is the expert.  I have been paying way too many $$ for shaving my poodles and one morkie so I bought some clippers and away we went.  Rosco was not happy.  Lola and I called it quits when he started to squirm too much and we let him go.  Rosco's early departure from the grooming table explains his goatee and spike on top of his head.  Oh well, I'll be an expert soon.  Afterall, I have three dogs to practice on.

Fuzzy, furry Rosco--before.  (That's a Cosmo foot in the background)
Happy, content Rosco before the haircut; relaxing, looking out the window

Rosco-- After
Sorry Rosco, I'm practicing!           Like his goatee??

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