Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Kitchen is Coming! The Kitchen is Coming!

After several hours spent working in the kitchen this past weekend, the island is done and all cabinets are in place.  We had to take one upper cabinet back down because it was off center.  It was off by almost a 1/2."  Depending on where you stood in the kitchen, it was either noticeable or not.  It bothered Mr. B. to the point of  removing it and starting all over again.  Our fantastic brother-in-law, M.J. was great at balancing the cabinet on his shoulder until Mr. B. could get it fastened to the wall.  The granite counter template man came over yesterday to measure, and the new counter tops should be here by April 2012.  I am writing 2012 because I don't want this project to stretch into 2013, it's already been 6 months.       

M.J. and Mr. B. add the finishing touches to the kitchen island
                                                                                                      Funny thing happened yesterday,  one of Mr. B.'s friends came over to the house and wanted to look at the job Mr. B. has done in the kitchen.  He asked me if we were finished painting.  I  looked at him wondering how he could not see the obvious.  The unpainted walls are shades of pink, white, and green.  He asked again, "Did you get the cabinets in white and paint them brown, or are you painting them all white?"  

Lola in front of my kona & chiffon  'unpainted' cabinets

Now I understood, I have chosen two different finishes for my cabinets, chiffon and kona are the stain colors.  This friend thought we were painting all the cabinets brown because there were three white cabinets in front of him, so he assumed we were not finished painting them yet.  "It's the new look" I told him "you split on stain colors and counter top colors, this way you get two different looks in your kitchen."
"Oh yeah, yeah.  I get it."  He answered with uncertainty in his voice.
 I don't think he really did get it.
He continued, "You should make Mr. B. finish, this is taking too long."     " He's been working on this kitchen reno way too long."
I had to agree, of course.  He quickly said he was very busy in his house renovating too.  He told me his wife would not stand for this baloney.  She would have him up all night getting this project finished.
"Really??"  My ears were tuned in now.  "She would have you work through the night to finish a project?"
"Yep."  "She wants everything a certain way."  "My wife's got taste."  "Very expensive taste."
"Oh," I answered under my breath, wondering to myself what that statement meant.
I asked Mr. B. after his so-called friend left, what exactly was he implying by stating 'my wife has taste'.   "Was he trying to say he thinks our kitchen is ugly?"  The nerve of some people.
"No, I don't think he meant that."  Mr. B. answered me.
"Well it sounded like his wife has taste and this kitchen just wouldn't be up to her standards."  "He made it sound like this kitchen was cheap and ugly."
"Well I wouldn't worry about it."  "This kitchen is going to look really good when we are finished."
"Yep" I said,  "I get it,"  I know it will.  Can't wait.  The question now is 'when will it be finished?'  Sometime in 2012, I hope.

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