Monday, March 5, 2012

Project Beadboard Accomplished!

Here at the yellow brick house, after thinking about it for several months which came after explaining it for several months which came before thinking about it even started--the beadboard ceiling is finally finished in our kitchen.  Ta-dah!!!  No more falling insulation on our clean floor, clean appliances, Christmas presents, sleeping dogs, or just cooked food in the kitchen.  The ceiling is covered, the ceiling is finished. 

Christmas isn't complete without a brand new purse and falling insulation in the background!               

It took two days to put the beadboard ceiling up.  Mr. B. wanted to keep it plain--the plain, unfinished look--

The beginning.

Mr. B. admiring his work.
I wanted white.  
High gloss white.
I won. 
Finished-after two days of painting.
Goodbye falling insulation.  We won't miss you.

Introducing the new high gloss white beadboard ceiling.

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