Sunday, March 11, 2012

You Left Your Kid Where????

Well I'll tell you where:   Another parent forgot their kid, meaning the parent drove all the way home leaving their child at Chuck E. Cheese.  Again.
What's going on in the hamburger restaurants these days?  Remember that popular 80's ad with cute little Clara Peller yelling, "Where's the Beef?" for Wendy's Restaurant?  Maybe we need to start "Where's the Kid?"

Second time in a week.    
                                                       Earlier this week, separated parents in Maryland went home in separate cars then saw their 3 year old daughter on the evening news.  Each one thought that the other had taken the little girl home.  They did not realize anything went wrong until they sat down, turned on the television and saw their baby girl on the news with the caption, "Where's the Parent?"    Today, a mother of 10 kids is under investigation for forgetting her five-year-old at a Chuck E. Cheese in Texas, this was after the child's own birthday party. Poor kid, he'll never forget his fifth birthday party for the rest of his life.  I wonder if the mother lost count.  Ten kids, boy I couldn't count to the number three when I was raising my kids without some kind of interruption.  There were constant interruptions, and that was before there were cell phones.  I wonder if the mother put all the birthday presents in her car before driving away--that should have been a clue; birthday presents=birthday child.  Maybe she started counting her kids and her cell phone rang.    New warning on cell phones:  Warning:  parents with children, divorced or separated parents with children, interacting in a public place with other parents and children, with food and games in sight-- stay home and order take out.



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