Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Father's Birthday

My dad turned 86 years young yesterday.  Mr. B. and I took him to lunch then went to his house to celebrate with the rest of the family with cake and ice cream.  His wife (my stepmother) had a cake made up just for him.
If you ask my dad what his secrets to longevity are, he will reply, "I don't know.  I have no idea why I am still alive."  He is serious with this reply.  Very serious.   

As a younger man, he smoked cigarettes which turned into pipe smoking then into cigar smoking; he drank hard liquor, seven and seven was his favorite drink along with his all time favorite-- beer; he served in the Navy during World War II; doesn't have any special diet secrets--loves ice cream and pretzels-not together of course, and never followed an exercise regiment.  He was and still is a master electrician.  I just found this out!  I always knew he was an electrician of course, but I did not know there were different classifications for electricians.   Master electricians are the elite of a highly skilled trade and recognized as the highest standard in studying and training.  Becoming a master electrician involves a lot of studying, but most important is on-the-job training and years of experience.  He maintains his license as an electrician, but he is retired from the field.  He does not work any longer as his body moves slower than it used to, but his mind is still very active.  He loves learning;  keeping current on the electrical front and following his favorite TV program, '60 Minutes.'  His current hobby is putting puzzles together-he likes the 500 pieces or more type.  When he finishes the puzzle he then glues the back and hangs them on his garage walls.  He works on the puzzles daily while listening to the bygone big band era hits on his favorite radio station. 

Many of his traits have become mine.  I love education- I love learning; my love of lights--I think has something to do with my electrician father; I love the big band sound--The Glen Miller Band being one of my favorites; and my love for comedians Jackie Gleason, The Rat Pack, Phyllis Diller and Lucille Ball.  My dad and I shared laughs while watching these stars perform on our small screen black and white television in the 1960's.  Oh, and who could forget Rowan and Martin's 'Laugh In'--another one of my dad's favorite comedy shows which also became one of mine from the latter part of the sixties and early seventies.
 Yes, when my dad says he has no idea why he is still around, I have to remind him that he is someone I look up to.  He is an inspiration for me, he gives me a goal I hope to attain someday.                                   

Happy 86th Birthday DAD!!!!

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