Monday, April 30, 2012

Stainless Arrived

Wow.  Friday was the day.  The day the appliance truck came to my house to deliver our beautiful new stainless steel appliances.  They are so modern looking, sleek, sharp, shiny, sensible and stainless steel.  I don't care what anyone says about stainless steel and fingerprints.  I love my new appliances.  They complete my kitchen.  Totally.        Two out of four are in working order right now.  The oven has to have a gas line put in, another job for Mr. B., then he needs to put a garbage disposal in so we can hook up the dishwasher.  Can hardly wait.  Haven't decided which one is my favorite yet.  
My new 'Quiet" dishwasher
Love this new refrigerator, fingerprints and all.
Can hardly wait to use my new convection oven and gas range.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Mr. B. called me in the middle of the afternoon from his cell phone and said, "I bought you something today."
"Oh, what is it?"  I thought perhaps it was the dustpan my broom has been without for two weeks now.                                            "I'll give you three guesses."  Mr. B. said, he was going to make this a game.   "Okay," I said.  "A dustpan."                                         "No, try again, you get two more guesses."     So this was a game, but my brain just couldn't think of anything exciting.   "It's a tomato plant for my soon to be backyard greenhouse."                                 "Wrong again."  Mr. B. was now laughing, "You get one more guess, but remember back to when we first started shopping for kitchen cabinets--that's the only hint you'll get."        Wow!  We first started looking at kitchen cabinets in August, that's eight months ago.  That was a distant memory at this point.  I guessed again, "I know, the fancy built-in spice rack."   I have been struggling with trying to find enough space in my new cabinets to put all of my spices.  It was obvious as they were still lined up on my kitchen counter top waiting for a spot in the right cupboard.  But  I was wrong again.  Mr. B. said he would be home at 4:15 and wanted me to greet him in the driveway at that time.  I was beginning to wonder if he bought me a new car.  He showed up at 4:15 in his red jeep, no new car, with something sticking up over the passenger seat.  He got out, "Did you guess what it is?"  Mr. B. enjoyed this game and had a huge smile on his face.  "I have no idea,"  I said, I was confused at this point.  Mr. B. said, "I need your help, this thing weighs about 250 pounds."  Now I was really stumped.  And that is exactly what he took out of the jeep.  A tree stump!  But even better---a hawk.  Look.................  
This was my surprise.....a giant bird carved out of a tree stump.
When we first started looking at kitchen cabinets, the store had all kinds of wood carvings on their lawn
A little bit of cleaning up and he'll look like new.  Doesn't have a name yet.  Isn't he pretty?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wheat Belly Be Gone!

Goodbye Wheat Belly
Lola is in Hawaii and I'm home alone... with my three cute doggies. Today is the day.  Can't take the swollen tummy, inflated arms, elbows or knees any longer.  Most women diet to look good in their jeans, I just want to see my knee bones again. Goodbye wheat, goodbye sugar, goodbye dairy.  It's protein and lots of fresh veggies and fruit from this day forward.

I just want to see my elbows again......
Where are they?

I know there's a knee bone in there somewhere

Aloha Lola

Lola left for Hawaii this morning.  She will be there 14 days for a business conference.  Lucky Lola. 
And lucky me.....I am the designated grand-puppy sitter for this cute little guy.....
Rosco doesn't care who's in charge...just give him dog biscuits and a comfy place to sleep...he's happy!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Baby Boy is 84 Years Old!

Cosmo Crispin is 84 years old today.  Cosmo is my standard poodle from London, Ontario.  I call him my baby boy, Mr. B. and I call him our furry son.  Cosmo was born in April 2000, Mr. B. bought him for me in July, shortly after we got married.  Today he is 12, making him 84 in dog years.  It took us a few weeks to name this adorable, fluffy puppy.  We finally settled on the name Cosmo because he looked like Cosmo or Kramer on the show Seinfield with the pouf on top of his head, and Crispin comes from an old name meaning curly.  Exactly--that's our boy- a curly, poufy poodle.  Cosmo is a comical, very smart, handsome, lovable, playful standard poodle.  It was so much fun watching him grow and learn in his first two years of life.  His vocabulary is extensive, he understands so many words we find ourselves spelling quite often just to outsmart him.  I have always said, and still do to this day, he is the best dog ever.  I have never met a dog like Cosmo, probably never will.  I love my poodle.  We are celebrating his 12th birthday with pepperoni sticks-his all time favorite,along with pizza and peanut butter cookies.  A walk in the park, or as Mr. B. and I call it, the squirrel park because Cosmo has this thing with squirrels and this park is full of crazy squirrels.  I remember it well, he was six months old sitting on our deck with Mr. B., the squirrels were dropping acorn shells on his head from the trees above.  This was the turning point in his dog life, a Cosmo revelation so to speak, he quickly learned to start looking up.  Those nasty squirrels, he discovered are not only running around on the ground but could be lurking above as well.  Happy 12th Birthday Cosmo Boy---and many more!!
A birthday cake for Cosmo and new doggie dishes too!

The typical Cosmo nap
On a walk with Mr. B. and Sadie
The beginning of a Cosmo yawn
Cosmo Crispin's new haircut
Cosmo resting with Lola on the couch
One of Cosmo's favorite places to be - Lola's bed.
Introductions being made to Cosmo and Sadie
Cosmo loves to be chauffeured around by Mr. B.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kitchen Boxes Be Gone!

There's a bed buried in here somewhere.
All these boxes belong in the kitchen but I just don't know where to begin.  The hard part of getting your kitchen set up is trying to decide what fits best in what cupboard.  I don't have as much cupboard space in my yellow brick house as what I did in my large red brick house.  It will be a challenge I am sure.  However, I'm prepared to move items around two or three or four different times before I get it exactly the way I want it to be.  It's all based on function.....when it gets there.
My spare bedroom has been the host to kitchen pots & pans long enough.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sleazy Salesman Came Knocking At My Door

So this Kayak pool salesman came to my house on Friday night.  He pulled up in a Beamer.  A BMW 328.  Nice car, right?  Expensive car, right?  He stepped into the house, then quickly said "I need to use your bathroom."  I thought it odd, it wasn't a request, but rather a statement.  I showed him where the bathroom was.  When he came out, formal introductions were made and his sales pitch began.  It annoys me that these salespeople have to come to my house.  The company should put their prices online or give them over the phone, then we wouldn't have to go through all this hoopla with booking a mandatory appointment.  Regardless; the guy was likable, seemed very nice and friendly.  Lots of smiles, compliments, you know, sales pitch stuff. 

What seemed odd was he talked like we had already ordered and paid for the pool.  He was just there to show us the amazing construction and design of this pool.  We came back inside after he showed us where to start digging outside for the pool, and we all sat down.  He asked for a pen to write some numbers down.  He's a salesman, isn't a pen a tool of the trade?  At the end of this long drawn out presentation, he told us we qualified for the in-home demo discount.  This promotion would offer us a great discount because no one in the area had this pool and the company could use our address to send people to my backyard to view the pool.  "Are you in agreement with this?" he asked us.  "Sure, why not?" Mr. B. and I happily replied.                                                                                   "That's a wise decision, but first, I have to call my manager, Bob, and see what kind of discount he will offer you."  Sleazy salesman was excited too.   The regular price on this pool was $21,000 but telling Bob on his phone that we wanted the home demo price and we could attract many people to this location, Bob agreed to sell the pool for $15,900.  Oh yeah, I forgot...that price was just for us.   Well, Mr. B. and I politely refused.  Even with the discounted price it was WAY over our budget.  He kept pushing, suggesting we fill out the financing forms to get the process started and we could make our final decision on Monday.  Again we said no.  Then, this is where the sleazy got really sleazy, "I need to ask you both a personal favor, it's kind of embarrassing though, but it's just something you could do for me that would really help me out."   

"What is it?"  "Oh I know, you need directions to get back home because you'll get lost with all this construction and the detours around here, right?"  I thought for sure that was going to be the question.
"No, I'm wondering if you could loan me $5.00?"  " My car is on empty, and I only have $1.00 in my pocket.  I'll pay you back, I'll send it to you in the mail."  "My office is 35 miles from here, and I'm not going to make it."
"What?!"   "You're kidding, right?"   I couldn't stop laughing.  "Are you serious?"  I shouted.    But his reply was serious, "No, I'm not kidding."     Really, this must be a joke I thought, the guy is on drugs.  This man is my age, and he has no money on him. My voice conveyed my thoughts,  "No way, I can't believe this, why don't you use a credit card?"    "Everyone has a credit card." 
Well, apparently, not this sleazy salesman.  He didn't have any cash, and he did not carry credit cards.  He blamed it all on a nasty divorce a few years back.  Said he didn't put paychecks or anything else in the bank, so the ex can't fight him on it.  At that point, his cell phone rang, and he whispered, "There's more to it, I'll explain after this call."  He was talking to Bob again, he answered Bob's questions about us declining the offer, then hung up the phone and asked again, "So could you help me out, could you lend me $10.00 so I can get back home?"  

I told him flat out, "No, I don't have any money."   "I don't have a job."  I had my arms crossed across my chest, my negative body language was coming through loud and clear.  I was pissed.  I couldn't believe this guy; my kids don't even ask me for money.   In a matter of one minute, he increased his begging amount $5.00.  I wanted to throw him out.  Mr. B. opened his wallet and said, "I don't have $10.00, here's $5.00."  Leave it to Mr. B., he's a good person, or maybe he just wanted to get rid of this guy too.  I had our dinner cooking in the oven, I was beginning to think I might have to feed him, this guy was never going to leave.  Sleazeball finally did leave in his BMW.  I kept shaking my head, I couldn't believe this guy had the nerve to ask beg for money.  Why in the hell would a salesman leave his office 35 miles away with no money in his pocket?  Lola came into the room, and informed us that she just finished wiping the bathroom floor with Clorox wipes because this guy left dribbles by the toilet.  YUCK!  I also discovered, he took my pen.  Not an ordinary ink pen, it was my pen I used in my nursing job that wrote at one end and had a flashlight at the other end, it was used for looking down throats and into eyes.  The jerk took my expensive pen, peed on our bathroom floor, and left with OUR $5.00.  Boy, if that's not sleazy, we've had some jerky salespeople at our house, but he takes the cake!  Or should I say, he takes our pen and $5.00 and leaves piss on the floor!

Friday, April 20, 2012

But I Forgot the Laundry Room

The washer and dryer in the kitchen, right out in the open.  Pre- kitchen renovation.
In my recent post, I listed 54 things I wanted to do this year with myself, my yellow brick house, and certain hobbies.  I totally forgot one very important room.  The laundry room.  This house does not have a laundry room and desperately needs one.  When we bought the yellow brick house, the washer and dryer were sitting in the kitchen.  Yep, out in the open for everyone to see and hear.  Our first project was the kitchen, we needed to get the washer and dryer out of our way and concentrate on remodeling just the kitchen.  Well now I am the unfortunate one that gets to make weekly, make that twice a week visits to the laundromat. Still.   At fifty-four years old, I walked into the laundromat like I was twelve years old.  The attendant must have seen the confusion written all over my face as I tried to figure out what machine was the washer and which one was the dryer.  She came over to help.  Lucky for me, she pointed out where I put the detergent in, where I put the coins in, and where I get change.  She knew I was a novice.  Very savvy laundromat attendant.  Going to the laundromat for the first time in thirty years is a big deal, many things have changed in the laundry business.       

 I'm an expert at the laundromat now.   I  chuckle when I see a typical single guy walking in with that confused, 'I have dirty laundry, what do I do' look on his face.  The laundry attendant calls me by name now and I've made many friends with the regulars.  But, I still need my own laundry room.  Mr. B. wants to put me in the garage.  I didn't want the laundry room in the garage at first, but after waiting five months, I'm ready to hook my washer up outside on the back deck if I have to.  I just want my washer and my own dryer back.  Looking at the mess in the garage, I don't know how long it's going to take before I see a working washing machine somewhere in this house.
This is what my garage looks like.  See my washer way at the back? It's waiting for a hook up.
Laundry room---where are you???

Thursday, April 19, 2012

"For Now, Dick Clark....So Long"

Dick Clark's "American Bandstand"
Dick Clark died Wednesday, April 18th of a heart attack at the age of 82.  Dick Clark, a cultural icon among baby boomers, to many a legend.  Baby Boomers grew up with Dick Clark Productions, my favorite was "American Bandstand. What baby boomer doesn't remember "American Bandstand"?     

  Growing up in the 1960's, Saturday afternoons were greatly anticipated at my house.  Saturday was grocery shopping day.  My mother would leave the house by 10:30 a.m. to go shopping, usually alone, leaving her three adorable daughters behind. Strict orders were given before she left, and my big sister was the one in charge.  My mother expected her house to be cleaned by the time she got  home after shopping all day.  I don't think we minded too much being left behind as there was an ulterior motive lurking, because as we cleaned we always kept a watchful eye on the clock.  My oldest sister got the brunt of the work and as we hurriedly did our assigned chores, the break came at 12:20.  The television was turned on, and we gathered around for  "American Bandstand" which started at 12:30.  What fun.  It was the best.  My sisters and I loved watching the teenagers dance and the bands perform.  I paid particular attention to two girls that seemed to be in the audience quite frequently.  First of all, I loved their hair; second, I loved their dance moves; and third, I loved the way they dressed.   I had secret crushes on a couple of  guys in the audience too.  My younger sister just watched, I studied everyone, and my older sister liked to critique the audience on what they were wearing and how they danced. Sometimes she would have a friend over; it was interesting listening to the two older girls talking and giggling about the dancers. I tried to share their point of view, but I just didn't get it, being four years younger is a huge difference in childhood.
When the show was finished, the T.V. had to be shut off immediately before my mother got home. We didn't want my mother to know what we had been up to.  My big sister went back to work.  My list of chores were done, and this was my chance to shine.  No one was in the living room, and I took this opportunity to practice my new dance moves in front of the large mirror on the wall.  I was dancing in front of the picture window so I could see myself in the mirror all the while looking out onto the street. If a car drove by, I would stop dancing immediately and move away from the window.  I would keep an eye out for my mother's car pulling up in front of the house.   I positive no one saw me dancing like a fool, that is until a nosy neighbor boy, same age as my older sister, called me out.  I remember one Saturday in particular, I was having such a good time busting a move or two that I forgot to duck when a car drove by.  A few days later, standing outside with my big sister, this nerdy guy says, "I drove by your house on Saturday, and I saw Kim dancing in the living room."   I quickly responded with, "That wasn't me, it was Tami--my younger sister dancing."  I figured Tami wasn't standing there, what could she say?  "Oh no it wasn't."  "It was you, and you were doing the twist, jumping up in the air, and dancing the pony."  (Who remembers the pony dance?) My big sister starts laughing loudly, there's no stopping her from telling my mother about this incident.  After all, it was supposed to be a cleaning day, not a dancing day.  Sisters love to one up each other, which meant my Saturday chores would surely double.  Emphatically I told this neighbor boy again, "No, it wasn't me, it was Tami."
"I know it was you, because you had your 'Sock It To Me' t-shirt on."   He grinned at me with sarcasm.  

 Well that did it, I can't deny it now.  Everyone in the neighborhood knew about me and my favorite t-shirt.  And now, because of nosy neighbor boy, everyone in the neighborhood will know about me and my secret dance moves on Saturdays in my 'Sock It To Me' t-shirt.   It was a white tee with a mock turtleneck that had black lettering starting at the top going to the bottom with the words, 'Sock It To Me', 'Sock It To Me', 'Sock It To Me', which was famous from a sketch with Judy Carne from Rowan and Martin's "Laugh In."  I really liked that shirt.

"American Bandstand" the television show where I learned how to dress (I got rid of that 'Sock It To Me' t shirt),  learned how to dance, learned to do my hair, learned to sing, and discovered "The Jackson Five".   Dick Clark-nickname-the world's oldest teenager-may be gone, but the memories will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What's 54?

 I am 54 and this blog is titled 'My 54th Year' .  I decided I need a list of 54 things I want to accomplish this 54th year of my blooming life.  Blooming defined as changing, flourishing, growing,  thriving and doing well.  Exactly.    Here goes:
  1. Renovate my kitchen
  2. Landscape my front yard
  3. Put up a greenhouse
  4. Start growing herbs
  5. Start growing vegetables
  6. Get a pool, or spa or something with running water in my backyard
  7. Start drying herbs
  8. Make my own potpourri
  9. Renovate my bathrooms (two)
  10. Paint the yellow brick house exterior
  11. Stain my back deck
  12. Makeover my back yard 
  13. Botox my forehead
  14. Lose 100 lbs.
  15. Exercise more
  16. Use my Pilates machine at least 3x/week (once I find it in the mess in the garage)
  17. Start canning fruits and veggies
  18. Write a book
  19. Treat my varicose veins
  20. Teach Rosco how to sit and shake at the same time
  21. Make my dogs organic, healthy dog food and treats
  22. Get more slow cooker recipes and use my crock pot more often
  23. Finish reading at least three books.  Key word-finish
  24. Organize my photo albums
  25. Call my cute daughters more often
  26. Call my cute hubby cute more often
  27. Be nicer to retail staff
  28. Eat healthy--enjoy my future garden and canned foods
  29. Go to baseball games
  30. Learn to golf
  31. Start camping again
  32. Get a canoe and start canoeing
  33. Learn a new language
  34. Get a new style haircut
  35. Build something out of wood
  36. Start doomsday prepping??   Maybe.
  37. Learn to love my vacuum
  38. Grow flowers all over my boring, green front yard
  39. Organize my kitchen cupboards
  40. Throw out all clothes that are out of style; or no longer fit
  41. Attend more plays
  42. Get more organized at home with menus, shopping, cooking, budgets, etc.
  43. Become a fan of cooking shows
  44. Use more moisturizer
  45. Paint my fingernails more often
  46. Try to wear high heels again
  47. Attend a class
  48. Ride a motorcycle, get a motorcycle license
  49. Rollerblade more often
  50. Get my old 35mm cameras out of storage and start taking some interesting pics
  51.  Donate
  52. Compost
  53. Laugh more
  54. Learn about birds, become a dedicated bird watcher
It didn't take me long to make up this list, but this is only one year.  It's definitely not my bucket list.   I really am not this boring.  My bucket list would have to include many trips and lots of exotic adventures.  This list is more about learning and doing.  Accomplishing all those things I never had the time to start or complete until now.   Not having to punch a time clock definitely has its benefits.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Coco's Candles

Happy 27th Birthday Coco!
A much needed break from the kitchen was in order.  What better way to take a break from home renovations than for a birthday party in another country?   Mr. B. and I traveled to Canada by car to celebrate Coco's 27th birthday.  This is the year my oldest daughter turns 27, the age I was when I gave birth to her.  That means she is now exactly HALF my age!  I didn't choose to tell her this.   I thought it might scare her!   

The drive was about an hour and 45 minutes away so I had to be sure to pack everything for the celebration.    I packed the birthday presents, birthday cake, birthday cards, birthday balloons, and birthday paper plates and napkins plus my camera. Everything appeared to be there; until it was time for the birthday cake.  I forgot the birthday candles.  Shucks!  You can't have birthday cake without birthday candles.  No one came close to finding anything resembling candles or something you could set on fire momentarily to put on the cake.  The restaurant we were eating at was out of birthday candles that particular day. Figures.   
Moving purses and birthday balloons looking for candles.
 I gave Coco the untouched, uneaten chocolate birthday cake to take home with the promise of putting 27 candles on top to blow out before cutting into the birthday cake.  I don't think she minded, and she heard  "Happy Birthday" sung to her by me over her cell phone later that evening.
Birthday presents for Coco
Tangerine kitchen accessories to go with her tangerine painted kitchen.          
Coco still gets 27 wishes for her 27 candles on her 27th birthday. . .and many, many more.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Travel Trailer, Camper or RV?

So many choices
Mr. B. and I went looking at RV's last night.  He wants to travel on his two days off, go camping.  Nothing wrong with camping.... I love camping.  I just don't know how far we can get in two days.  I like the idea of traveling down South or heading West.  Driving to Florida in a camper and coming back home in two days just isn't going to happen. 

Not crazy about the toilets

One of our favorites

Kitchen Lights While Sleeping Dogs Lay

Wires and hanging light bulbs were the kitchen fixtures
Now we have an actual light..or two
These dogs are so good at sleeping, they make us look like we're working too hard!

An upside down Rosco and a sleeping Cosmo while the lights went up
Just relax dogs, the lights will be on soon

Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Walk on the Finished Floor

This pretty much sums up our Easter weekend.  Easter Lily & Renovating.
The floor in the kitchen is finished...finally.  Took Mr. B. three days, a little bit here, then a little bit there, started over the Easter weekend.  Tearing up the old floor, coupled with cleaning up a morkie's sock monkey fluffs, letting all 3 dogs outside, then letting all 3 dogs inside, on top of working full time; Mr. B. completed the kitchen floor and put the light fixtures up. The floor is officially done!
Half of the old tile flooring torn off
Kitchen floor waiting for a new look
All this black is left over glue from the last vinyl floor, it wouldn't sweep up and would get tracked all over the house.  It gets on the bottom of your shoes and traces of it could be found everywhere.

The dogs inspecting the floor
Mr. B. adding the final piece
Finished Floor!  At Last!