Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My Baby Boy is 84 Years Old!

Cosmo Crispin is 84 years old today.  Cosmo is my standard poodle from London, Ontario.  I call him my baby boy, Mr. B. and I call him our furry son.  Cosmo was born in April 2000, Mr. B. bought him for me in July, shortly after we got married.  Today he is 12, making him 84 in dog years.  It took us a few weeks to name this adorable, fluffy puppy.  We finally settled on the name Cosmo because he looked like Cosmo or Kramer on the show Seinfield with the pouf on top of his head, and Crispin comes from an old name meaning curly.  Exactly--that's our boy- a curly, poufy poodle.  Cosmo is a comical, very smart, handsome, lovable, playful standard poodle.  It was so much fun watching him grow and learn in his first two years of life.  His vocabulary is extensive, he understands so many words we find ourselves spelling quite often just to outsmart him.  I have always said, and still do to this day, he is the best dog ever.  I have never met a dog like Cosmo, probably never will.  I love my poodle.  We are celebrating his 12th birthday with pepperoni sticks-his all time favorite,along with pizza and peanut butter cookies.  A walk in the park, or as Mr. B. and I call it, the squirrel park because Cosmo has this thing with squirrels and this park is full of crazy squirrels.  I remember it well, he was six months old sitting on our deck with Mr. B., the squirrels were dropping acorn shells on his head from the trees above.  This was the turning point in his dog life, a Cosmo revelation so to speak, he quickly learned to start looking up.  Those nasty squirrels, he discovered are not only running around on the ground but could be lurking above as well.  Happy 12th Birthday Cosmo Boy---and many more!!
A birthday cake for Cosmo and new doggie dishes too!

The typical Cosmo nap
On a walk with Mr. B. and Sadie
The beginning of a Cosmo yawn
Cosmo Crispin's new haircut
Cosmo resting with Lola on the couch
One of Cosmo's favorite places to be - Lola's bed.
Introductions being made to Cosmo and Sadie
Cosmo loves to be chauffeured around by Mr. B.

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