Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Coco's Candles

Happy 27th Birthday Coco!
A much needed break from the kitchen was in order.  What better way to take a break from home renovations than for a birthday party in another country?   Mr. B. and I traveled to Canada by car to celebrate Coco's 27th birthday.  This is the year my oldest daughter turns 27, the age I was when I gave birth to her.  That means she is now exactly HALF my age!  I didn't choose to tell her this.   I thought it might scare her!   

The drive was about an hour and 45 minutes away so I had to be sure to pack everything for the celebration.    I packed the birthday presents, birthday cake, birthday cards, birthday balloons, and birthday paper plates and napkins plus my camera. Everything appeared to be there; until it was time for the birthday cake.  I forgot the birthday candles.  Shucks!  You can't have birthday cake without birthday candles.  No one came close to finding anything resembling candles or something you could set on fire momentarily to put on the cake.  The restaurant we were eating at was out of birthday candles that particular day. Figures.   
Moving purses and birthday balloons looking for candles.
 I gave Coco the untouched, uneaten chocolate birthday cake to take home with the promise of putting 27 candles on top to blow out before cutting into the birthday cake.  I don't think she minded, and she heard  "Happy Birthday" sung to her by me over her cell phone later that evening.
Birthday presents for Coco
Tangerine kitchen accessories to go with her tangerine painted kitchen.          
Coco still gets 27 wishes for her 27 candles on her 27th birthday. . .and many, many more.

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