Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Busy, Busy, Five Days of Busy

The last five days, Mr. B. and I have accomplished many things in our kitchen.  Putting the handles, or hardware pulls on the cabinets took all day Saturday.  Eight hours to be exact, I couldn't believe it took so long.  Mr. B. says I watch too many home renovating shows.  "Just because they get everything done in 30 minutes or less on the renovation T.V. shows, doesn't mean it happens that way in real life."  He always thinks he needs to give me a reality check.  Really.  I did suspect somewhere between two to three hours to do this job, not eight.  First of all, Mr. B. had to do some exact measuring on the doors then again on the drawers (which are all different sizes) to be certain the pulls would be centered.  Second, he had to make up a template that we used to mark the holes where we needed to drill. Smart idea.  The actual holes had to be drilled, then the pull was fastened on.  This had to be exact, there was no room for errors, otherwise; I would have some ugly mismatched cabinets with holes throughout.  We finished the job, though a couple of mistakes occurred--Mr.B. blames me for not holding the drill straight, but I blame him for not holding the template level.  Anyways, after some careful redesigning to cover up the minor mishaps, it's finished.  What a difference cabinet handles make.  My kitchen looks user friendly now!
Kitchen cabinets prior to handles.
Kitchen cabinets after handles.
We used black cabinet handles on the island chiffon cabinets. ( Notice the light that needs to be put up)

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