Monday, April 9, 2012

Goodbye Paper Plates!

We have been working all Easter weekend on the kitchen.   However; I will admit, Mr. B.  is the one working the hardest.  After we finished watching "Easter Parade" on TCM Sunday it was back to work.  The kitchen sink now has a tap and through that tap comes running water.  It is an odd feeling when you haven't had a kitchen sink with running water for five months to suddenly have water in the kitchen again.  Lola and I keep forgetting, we still walk to the bathroom to get water.  I guess old habits die hard.  Today I was standing outside the closed bathroom door waiting for her to come out with a dog bowl in my hands.  When the door opened, Lola looked surprised to see me there, I told her I needed water for the dogs.  She looked at me funny, at which time I came to the realization that the water was right there, under my nose in the kitchen.   I didn't have to wait for the bathroom to get cold running water!  I guess this means I will have to start cooking again using real dishes.  What's that like, washing dishes after a five month hiatus?

The kitchen sink before--minus the faucet
The kitchen sink after--with a faucet and running water.

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