Friday, April 27, 2012


Mr. B. called me in the middle of the afternoon from his cell phone and said, "I bought you something today."
"Oh, what is it?"  I thought perhaps it was the dustpan my broom has been without for two weeks now.                                            "I'll give you three guesses."  Mr. B. said, he was going to make this a game.   "Okay," I said.  "A dustpan."                                         "No, try again, you get two more guesses."     So this was a game, but my brain just couldn't think of anything exciting.   "It's a tomato plant for my soon to be backyard greenhouse."                                 "Wrong again."  Mr. B. was now laughing, "You get one more guess, but remember back to when we first started shopping for kitchen cabinets--that's the only hint you'll get."        Wow!  We first started looking at kitchen cabinets in August, that's eight months ago.  That was a distant memory at this point.  I guessed again, "I know, the fancy built-in spice rack."   I have been struggling with trying to find enough space in my new cabinets to put all of my spices.  It was obvious as they were still lined up on my kitchen counter top waiting for a spot in the right cupboard.  But  I was wrong again.  Mr. B. said he would be home at 4:15 and wanted me to greet him in the driveway at that time.  I was beginning to wonder if he bought me a new car.  He showed up at 4:15 in his red jeep, no new car, with something sticking up over the passenger seat.  He got out, "Did you guess what it is?"  Mr. B. enjoyed this game and had a huge smile on his face.  "I have no idea,"  I said, I was confused at this point.  Mr. B. said, "I need your help, this thing weighs about 250 pounds."  Now I was really stumped.  And that is exactly what he took out of the jeep.  A tree stump!  But even better---a hawk.  Look.................  
This was my surprise.....a giant bird carved out of a tree stump.
When we first started looking at kitchen cabinets, the store had all kinds of wood carvings on their lawn
A little bit of cleaning up and he'll look like new.  Doesn't have a name yet.  Isn't he pretty?

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