Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Me Kim, You-Painted Ear

WestHighland White Painted Wall--The dogs certainly enjoyed it.
After two long days of painting my WestHighland White on the ugly brown walls in my yellow brick house, I discovered I have three new dogs.  My three dogs, somehow, someway managed to get into my freshly painted walls.  Cosmo's nose, Sadie's side, and little Rosco's right ear all had an encounter with the newly painted walls.  I don't know how they did this, being a responsible dog owner, I kept them out of the painters way (meaning Mr. B. and I) as we worked.  I was careful when I planned their dog day.  I took them for a morning walk to tire them out, gave them lots of treats, then turned on their favorite television show-'Animal Planet'-while they slept happily on the couch in the adjacent room.  Well, someone wasn't looking, and clearly some DOGS were not looking  either as to where they were going.  Meet the guilty parties; my three newly named dogs:  Painted Ear, Painted Side, and Painted Nose.  The guilt is painted all over them.  I still haven't found the wall with the missing paint.
Meet Painted Ear
Meet Painted Nose
And last, but not least--Meet Painted Side--She looks guilty!

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