Thursday, April 12, 2012

A Walk on the Finished Floor

This pretty much sums up our Easter weekend.  Easter Lily & Renovating.
The floor in the kitchen is finished...finally.  Took Mr. B. three days, a little bit here, then a little bit there, started over the Easter weekend.  Tearing up the old floor, coupled with cleaning up a morkie's sock monkey fluffs, letting all 3 dogs outside, then letting all 3 dogs inside, on top of working full time; Mr. B. completed the kitchen floor and put the light fixtures up. The floor is officially done!
Half of the old tile flooring torn off
Kitchen floor waiting for a new look
All this black is left over glue from the last vinyl floor, it wouldn't sweep up and would get tracked all over the house.  It gets on the bottom of your shoes and traces of it could be found everywhere.

The dogs inspecting the floor
Mr. B. adding the final piece
Finished Floor!  At Last!

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